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We welcome all visitors at Parliament House and are committed to making the building accessible to everyone. Find out about accessibility at Parliament House.

Find us

Parliament Drive, Canberra
02 6277 5399

Free admission

Entry is free. You may have to buy tickets for special exhibitions and events.

Opening hours

9 am to 5 pm (non-sitting days)
9 am to 6 pm (sitting days)

Members of the public are welcome to attend the public galleries after 6 pm while the respective chambers are in session.

Closed Christmas day

Getting to Parliament House


You can park in the Forecourt Basement car park most days. View parking fees

Accessible spaces are near the lifts.

There are 10 electric vehicle charging stations in the Forecourt Basement car park. Terms and conditions apply.

Enjoy free parking in the Parliament House public carpark during the Enlighten Festival from 5 pm to 12 am, 28 February to 10 March 2025. Free parking is subject to availability.

Taxi or ride share

There are separate taxi ranks and ride share bays in the Forecourt Basement car park. 


Bus stops are on Federation Mall, about 200 metres from our public entrance. For your local bus timetable, visit Transport Canberra.


Bike racks are in the Forecourt Basement car park. Bikes cannot be brought into Parliament House.

Visitor map

Please download a copy of the Australian Parliament House visitor map to support your visit. 

Visitor facilities at Parliament House

Food and refreshments

Queen’s Terrace Café on Level 1 is open from 9 am to 4 pm daily except Christmas Day.

Shopping and souvenirs

Parliament Shop offers a range of quality products that celebrate democracy, the institution of parliament and the architecture of Parliament House. It also has an extensive collection of political books and elegant giftware.

Open every day except Christmas Day
9 am–5 pm (non-sitting days)
9 am–5:45 pm (sitting days) 


EFTPOS is available at all retail outlets.

Parents and babies

Parents Room and baby change facilities are located on Level 1 next to Queen’s Terrace Café.

Free WiFi

Simply connect to ‘WiFiParliament’ on your device.

Australia Post

The Parliament House Post Office is conveniently located near the Queen's Terrace Café. Buy a Parliament House postcard and mail it from the building!

First aid

If you need First aid, ask a Parliamentary Security Service Officer or Visitor Services Officer at key locations around the building.

Conditions of entry

Visitors must go through security screening and inspection of personal possessions.

Prohibited or offensive implements, drugs, or other substances are not permitted and must be surrendered to the Parliamentary Security Service Officer.

Visitors must comply with any reasonable directions given by a Parliamentary Security Service Officer or member of the Australian Federal Police.

Facial identification may be required upon request by a Parliamentary Security Service Officer or member of the Australian Federal Police before entry.

Demonstrations or protests are not permitted within the parliamentary precinct. The Australian Parliament has a Demonstration Policy with which all visitors must comply.

Visitors to private areas must be accompanied and must present appropriate photo identification.

Security screening

Security screening ensures a safe environment for both visitors and parliamentary staff. The time that this takes varies with the number of people waiting to come in, but please allow at least 15 minutes when planning your visit. If you require any assistance with the security screening process, please ask a Parliament House Security officer.

Please note that bicycles may not be brought through security screening and into Parliament House. Bike racks are available in the Forecourt Basement car park.

If you have any specific accessibility needs or concerns with security screening, please email or call us on 02 6277 5399 ahead of time so we can best accommodate your visit. 

No smoking

Smoking is not permitted in Parliament House.

Photos and video

You are welcome to take photos or video in the public areas of Parliament House, provided they are for private use and not for publication.

However, please note that no photography or filming of security arrangements or chamber proceedings is allowed. Please follow any direction provided by our friendly security staff.

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